Private Car Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Tien

Private Car Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Tien, As you know our company has a wide of vehicles that are very near your hotel in Ho Chi Minh. If you are going to Ha Tien from Ho Chi Minh Airport, please send us your correct name, flight number details, and telephone number. or Ho Chi Minh hotels area so please let us know your hotel name location and room number so our car driver can come to pick you up the right person to get to Ha Tien.

Private Car Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Tien
Private Car Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Tien

If you are going to Tan Son Nhat Airport from Ha Tien so you also may book a same car rental with us. We offer private car, luxury, D'car Limousine with driver Speaking English.

After 2 hours in driving from Ho Chi Minh to the Cai Be region we will be resting at the Cai Be floating market for your island & floating market tour in 3 hours by sampan tour service.

The floating market tour will finish around your lunchtime on the island then we are going to Ha Tien from Cai Be floating market tour.

Email: or
Hotline: +84902 689 426 ( Free with Viber, Whatsapp)

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